Boomilever Fundamentals

What is boomilever A boomilever is model cantilever that is designed to hold 15kg. Many science and engineering competitions, such as Science Olympiad, host boomilever competitions to help teach basic physic concepts to students. In this post, we will outline the basic concepts needed to consider when creating a boomilever and how to optimize those…

Wright Stuff Fundamentals

what is wright stuff Wright stuff is a competition where students are tasked to build a model plane that is powered by a rubber band and propeller. Many science and engineering competitions, such as Science Olympiad and the Academy of Model Aeronautics, host wright stuff competitions to help teach basic physic concepts to students. In…

Elastic Launched Glider Fundamentals

what is elastic launched glider An elastic launched glider is model plane that is launched into the air by elastic potential energy. Many science and engineering competitions, such as Science Olympiad and the Academy of Model Aeronautics, host elastic and catapult launched glider competitions to help teach basic physic concepts to students. In this post,…