Wright Stuff Fundamentals

what is wright stuff

Wright stuff is a competition where students are tasked to build a model plane that is powered by a rubber band and propeller. Many science and engineering competitions, such as Science Olympiad and the Academy of Model Aeronautics, host wright stuff competitions to help teach basic physic concepts to students.

In this post, we will outline the basic concepts needed to consider when creating an elastic launched glider and how to optimize those aspects of your device for the best results.

what is wright stuff


To achieve the highest time aloft, the weight of your plane should be minimized.

There are 4 forces of flight that act on a plane, thrust, weight , lift and drag. The more the plane weighs, the more lift will be needed to keep it flying. Therefore, to maximize the necessary lift to allow the plane to fly , the weight of the plane should be minimized.



To achieve the longest time aloft, the wingspan of your plane should be maximized. By maximizing the wingspan of your plane, you are able to generate more lift, the upwards force on the plane, which allows the plane to stay aloft for a longer period of time.

Wing chord length

To achieve the longest time aloft, the wing chord length of your plane should be maximized. By maximizing the wing chord length of your plane, you are able to generate more lift, the upwards force on the plane, which allows the plane to stay aloft for a longer period of time.

fuselage length

When constructing a plane, it is best to have the fuselage be at least as long as the plane’s wingspan. It is sometimes better to have the fuselage longer than the wingspan because it requires much less weight to adjust the plane’s center of gravity.

center of gravity

While the placement of a plane’s center of gravity is different depending on the model, accurately adjusting it is vital for a good flight. However, for most planes, it is usually best to keep the center of gravity between the forward half of the plane’s wing.

Angle of Incidence

Angle of incidence refers to the angle that the wing sits at on the fuselage. By increasing the angle of incidence, you are able to increase your plane’s lift, allowing you to achieve a smooth glide and transition without modifying the plane’s center of gravity.

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